Revolution Business, Ltd في قفصة الشمالية | محلات الانترنت Revolution Business, Ltd قفصة الشمالية ( تونس)

Revolution Business, Ltd

+216 (76) 284-850-19


 تونس,  قفصة,  قفصة الشمالية,  city Gafsa

أرقام هاتف الشركة

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Revolution Business, Ltd

REVOLUTION BUSINESS LTD EST une société de commerce international ayant son propre centre de contact dedié aux négoce international B2B ,si vous voulez exporter vers les pays africains je vous prie de bien voulloir detailler vos offres catalogue prix specifications techniques …etc nous vous acheminerons des commandes importantes contre commissions. Nous exportons maintenant du papier A4 80 gm² blanc prix 1.8 euro/rame fob Tunisie. Pour toute informations et commandes prière de contacter . Cordialement. Hi REVOLUTION BUSINESS LTD IS a international trading company with its own contact center dedicated for B2B international trade, if you want to export to African countries I ask you itemize your price catalog offers technical specifications etc ... we will forward large orders against commissions. We now export A4 paper 80 gm ² white price 1.8 euro / ream fob Tunisia. For information and orders please contact.
المنتجات والخدمات
Rame papier A4 80 gm²
1.8 TND
REVOLUTION BUSINESS LTD IS a international trading company with its own contact  center dedicated  for B2B international trade, if you want to export to African countries I ask you  itemize your price catalog offers technical specifications etc ... we will forward large orders...
المجموعة: ورق الطباعة


جموعة كاملة من المنتجات والخدمات Revolution Business, Ltd. جميع المعلومات عن Revolution Business, Ltd في قفصة الشمالية ( تونس).